Bridge Publications
A Postulate Out of a Golden Age
Bridge Publications£13.00| /To overcome tyranny is to win freedom as a people, a nation or even Mankind. Yet to benefit fully from their liberties, each man and woman must als...
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Aberration, and the Handling Of
Bridge Publications£13.00| /"It betrays the brightest hopes of individuals, drives families apart, incites organizational turmoil and pitches nations into chaos. What malignan...
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Adventurer Explorer
Bridge Publications£35.00| /Discover a classic American West, soar majestic skies at the dawn of aviation and sail with L. Ron Hubbard through his far-flung explorations at th...
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Conquest of the Physical Universe
Bridge Publications£13.00| /In his lifelong quest to uncover the answers to life and Man, L. Ron Hubbard discovered that all life forms, from the lowest to the highest, are mo...
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Bridge Publications£20.00| /The story of how L. Ron Hubbard discovered the reactive mind and developed the procedures to get rid of it the scientific methodology to unravel th...
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Differences Between Scientology and Other Philosophies
Bridge Publications£13.00| /Every human being seeks to know the truth about himself and to resolve to his own satisfaction the mysteries of life. And therefore, for many thous...
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Early Years of Adventure
Bridge Publications£35.00| /Here is a young L. Ron Hubbard as revealed through a rare assemblage of letters, journals and photographsfrom then remote hinterlands of Caribbean...
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Freedom Fighter
Bridge Publications£35.00| /Presenting forty-four essays, Freedom Fighter is L. Ron Hubbard's long and unblinking look at precisely what plagues 21st century Earth--the whys, ...
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Bridge Publications£13.00| /What is life? Such was the central question L. Ron Hubbard posed when setting out to unravel the riddle of human existence. After examining all asp...
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Bridge Publications£13.00| /Money is, of course, something with which everyone is familiar. But how many people truly understand the role money plays in the society? Judging f...
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Self Analysis
Bridge Publications£25.00| /The book starts with an introduction of basic concepts of how the mind works and what it takes to improve its performance. Secondly it contains a c...
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The Problems of Work
Bridge Publications£20.00| /This title contains the senior principles and laws which apply to every endeavor, every problem of work. For they are the discoveries which lay bar...
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