Meet more than 50 master wood craftsmen who reveal new designs in this book dedicated exclusively to the emerging studio furniture movement. Furniture ranges from footstools to elaborate entertainment and office centers, each exquisite and unique in its execution. Featured are craftsmen who work in local lumber they mill on their private lots alongside artists who inlay precious, exotic woods from far corners of the earth. Some celebrate the natural art in the edges and grain of wood while others contort wood into seemingly impossible balances and configurations. The vast range of imagination and craftsmanship will delight as you peruse this collection of over 400 lush images, most of them never before seen in print. You'll revisit each page time and again.
Tina Skinner is an award-winning journalist who has authored many books on architecture and design. She resides in Pennsylvania with her husband and two daughters. Photographer Steven P. Whitsitt has had his work published extensively in national and regional periodicals and books. He enjoys a dual career, photographing the music industry and traveling the nation recording the work of professional designers. He lives in Durham, North Carolina.