Organization & management of education
Many people in this country grow up dreaming about the college experience, leaving home and starting off in their own world, hoping to obtain the education and skills they need to be successful in life. With over 7,000 post-secondary institutions in the U.S. to choose from, selecting the best schools and finding the best way to pay for it can be a daunting task. The Higher Education Act of 1965 authorises numerous federal aid programs that provide support to both individuals pursuing a postsecondary education and institutions of higher education (IHEs). Chapter 1 provides a brief overview of the major provisions of the HEA. The federal government provides financial assistance to individuals for higher education expenses in two major ways: tax benefits and traditional student aid. Chapter 2 contains a brief overview of the higher education tax benefits that are currently available to students and their families. Chapter 3 provides insights into how prospective students make important decisions that affect their long-term academic and professional futures. An estimated 35 percent of college students transferred to a new school at least once from 2004 to 2009. Chapter 4 examines transfer rates and challenges students face in transferring credits, the possible financial implications of transfer, and the extent to which students are provided with transfer information to help them plan their college path.