Real life teen dilemmas written as comedy. These thirty short plays give teenage performers a chance to portray the drama of their everyday lives. They may act crazy, push boundaries and discover themselves as the plays permit them to show off their talents. The actors can create outrageous characters in the context of situations they know so well. Sample titles include: 'The Kissing Booth', 'Four Boyfriends', 'Last Free Summer' and 'The Babysitter'. Inexperienced actors will come alive as performers because they playlets offer natural dialog and believable situations. The plays are for two to six actors. Excellent for contest use.
Laurie Allen is a West Texas playwright who was drawn to the theatre during her teen years at Snyder High School while performing plays under the legendary Jerry P. Worsham. As this influential director led his students to a record setting state championships in UIL one-act play competitions, he taught these small town students they could achieve any dream they longed for, whether it was in the theatre or beyond. So, after graduating, she decided to combine her love for the theatre and her passion to write, and try her hand at writing a play. Her first play, Gutter Girl, won the Indian River Players One-Act Play Competition. At that moment she was hooked, knowing she had found the place where she belonged. Now, over twenty-five of her plays for adults and teens have been published by various publishers. Her plays for teens have enjoyed wide success across the United States with several of her high school competition pieces succeeding in the National Speech & Forensics Competitions. Learn more at Laurie Allen's website: