Psychoanalytical theory (Freudian psychology)
Spirit: thought & practice
Psychic powers & psychic phenomena
This is the intimate chronicle of a soul's metamorphosis, a story of psychic encounters between the Piscean forces of dualism and the force of the new consciousness of Aquarius. From his journals, which comprise this book, we learn that Erlo van Waveren arrived at a stratum of being both common and special to all who pursue the inner path. Pilgrimage to the Rebirth records extraordinary levels of communication with another side of his being, making it a fascinating chronicle.
Erlo van Waveren was a Jungian-oriented analyst, who, with his wife Ann van Waveren, practised psychotherapy in New York for over forty years. Early in their careers, both studied directly with C.G. Jung, and after the war, were frequent visitors at the Jung Institute, Zürich.