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Radikale Phrase, Wahlbundnisse und Kontinuitaten

Landtagswahlkampfe in Osterreichs Bundeslandern 1919 bis 1932
Contributions by: Thomas Welte, Contributions by: Friedrich Stepanek, Contributions by: Benjamin Grilj, Contributions by: Karl Anderwald, Contributions by: Michael Hess, Contributions by: Martin Dolezal, Contributions by: Michael Dippelreiter, Contributions by: Herbert Dachs, Contributions by: Ernst Bezemek, Contributions by: Simon Lukasser, Edited by: Franz Schausberger, Edited by: Michael Dippelreiter, Edited by: Herbert Dachs

Temporarily Out-of-Stock Available to Pre-order
Format: Hardback
Pages: 607
Illustrations: 48 s/w- und 16 farb. Abb., 48 Illustration(en), schwarz-weiss, 16 Illustration(en), farbig
ISBN: 9783205204985
Publication Date: 13-Feb-2017
Religion & beliefs