Text in Russian. Arunachala Shiva paints an intimate picture of Sri Ramana Maharshis life, taking us behind the scenes to moments with his closest disciples. Compelling commentaries offer new and unexpected insights into his teachings, challenging entrenched ideas and assisting a final realisation. Included in this book is his famous text, Who Am I? (Nan Yar) in which he declares that Self-enquiry is the most direct route to Self-realisation. Arunachala Shiva paints an intimate picture of Sri Ramanas life, taking us behind the scenes to moments with his closest disciples. The shocking yet compelling commentaries offer new and unexpected insights into his teachings, challenging entrenched ideas and assisting a final realisation. The unique nature of these interviews is revealed in the DVD Preview and in the 100 photographs. Trailer DVD included in the back for the films of Open Sky Press.
John David (Premananda)is an English spiritual teacher, author, and film director. For 20 years he has been dedicated to guiding and supporting people interested in spiritual awakening. Currently he is based in the Open Sky House, International Spiritual and Arts communities in Germany, Ukraine and Spain, where he holds regular Meetings and Retreats.