Collecting antique paper lithographed toys is an exciting and visually rewarding hobby. These vividly printed toys remind us of a time gone by when games, blocks, toys, dollhouses, puzzles, and books were designed by a method called chromolithography--a process that is as close to artistic perfection as a nineteenth-century painting. Filled with over 500 full color photographs, this book provides a fascinating and informative glimpse into the late Victorian era of toy making. Organized by type of item, each chapter includes useful facts about the history, manufacturing, and typical illustrations found on the toys and books, while values, measurements, dates, and game pieces are all provided in the captions. In addition, readers will find a valuable listing of the most prominent American and European manufacturers of the time, including McLoughlin Bros., Milton Bradley, Bliss, W. & S. B. Ives, Raphael Tuck, E.P. Dutton, and more. Never before has one book provided such a colorful guide to paper litho toy collecting, so take a step back in time to when toy making was a rare art!
A mother and daughter team, Judith Anderson Drawe and Kathleen Bridge Greenstein have spent many years collecting beautiful paper lithographed toys. Kathy and Judy are both published authors and researchers who have created a book that is easy to follow and very informative.