This anthology of philosophy and mysticism consists of short, independent articles combined with answers to over 200 questions on theosophy and human problems that embrace a wide diversity of themes: occultism and psychic phenomena, origins of Christianity, evolution into the human kingdom, buddhas and bodhisattvas, studies in The Secret Doctrine and The Mahatma Letters, euthanasia, afterdeath states of suicides, significance of dreams, Mystery schools of today, and scores of other intriguing topics.
Gottfried de Purucker was born on January 15, 1874, at Suffern, New York, son of an Anglican minister who for some years served as chaplain of the American Church in Geneva, Switzerland. In preparation for the ministry he specialized in Hebrew, Latin, Greek, and the writings of the early Church Fathers. However, study of Eastern philosophies and Sanskrit literature led him to theosophy with its broad comprehension of religion, philosophy, and science. After working closely with Katherine Tingley, he succeeded her as head of The Theosophical Society from 1929 until his death in Covina, California, on September 27, 1942. Perhaps his greatest contribution to the theosophical movement was his elucidation of the writings of H. P. Blavatsky, particularly her Secret Doctrine. (Link to Biographical Sketch.)