In this extraordinary collection of 101 stories and vignettes, Dr Raghavendra A N Rao, a practising paediatrician, relates the experiences of families that coped with a variety of illnesses, from the commonest of infections to the rarest of life-threatening diseases. Writing in a lively, anecdotal style, Dr Rao explains how each situation arose, how the family reacted, what precautionary measures the paediatrician initially took, and how, in the more baffling cases, a diagnosis was finally arrived at. He also tells parents what preventive measures can be taken to prevent similar situations from arising. While pointing to the great advances made by medical science, Dr Rao gives due credit to other key factors that can play a role in the recovery process: family togetherness and support, the healing power of love, the inner strength that comes from prayer even in seemingly terminal situations. Many of these vignettes originally appeared as weekly columns in California's The Porterville Recorder. The feature quickly became popular with readers and also with staff.