This book is devoted to new results of investigations of non-Archimedean functional analysis, which is becoming more important nowadays due to the development of non-Archimedean mathematical physics, particularly, quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, theory of super-strings and super-gravity (VV89, VVZ94, ADV88, Cas02, DD00, Ish84, Khr90, Lud99t, Lud03b, Mil84, Jan 98). Recently non-Archimedean analysis was found to be useful in dynamical systems, mathematical biology, mathematical psychology, cryptology and information theory. On the other hand, quantum mechanics is based on measure theory and probability theory. The results of this book published mainly in papers [Lud02a, Lud03s2, Lud04a, Lud96c, Lud99a, Lud00a, Lud99t, Lud01f, Lud00f, Lud99s, Lud04b] have served for investigations of non-Archimedean stochastic processes (Lud0321, Lud0341, Lud0348, Lud01f, LK02). Stochastic approach in quantum-field theory is actively used and investigated especially in recent years (see, for example, and references therein (AHKMT93, AHKT84]). As it is well-known in the theory of functions great role is played by continuous functions and differentiable functions. In classical measure theory, the analog of continuity is quasi-invariance relative to shifts and actions of linear or non-linear operators in the Banach space. Moreover, differentiability of measures is the stronger condition and there is a very large theory about it in the classical case. Apart from it, the non-Archimedean case was less studied. Since there are not differentiable functions from the p-adic field Qp into R or into another p-adic non-Archimedean field Qp' with p = p', then instead of differentiability of measures their pseudo-differentiability is considered. Traditional or classical mathematical analysis and functional analysis work mainly over the real and complex fields. But there are well-known many other infinite fields with non-trivial multiplicative norms since the end of the 19-th century and is called the non-Archimedean norm. Such fields and vector spaces with non-Archimedean norms are frequently called for short non-Archimedean fields and non-Archimedean normed spaces correspondingly. Therefore, mathematical analysis and functional analysis over non-Archimedean fields have developed already during a rather long period of time, but they remain substantially less elaborated in comparison with classical ones.