The number of commercially available antibodies for the detection of biological markers, tumour markers, by immunohistochemistry or serological methods in cancer are rapidly increasing. Results in different studies are often contradictory and the usefulness of single tumour markers in different cancer types is unclear. An increasing number of studies on genetic "fingerprints" are being reported. This book represents the most comprehensive and up-to-date publication on histological and serological tumour markers, also commenting recent genetic studies. Sixteen major cancer types and an additional chapter on HIV-related cancers are reviewed by more than 40 authors. These are cancer of the breast, lung, oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, colon, rectum, anus, skin, brain, prostate, penis, ovary, uterus, uterine cervix and HIV-related cancers. The authors are active and respected researchers, experts in their fields. Tumour markers will be evaluated for clinical usefulness in diagnostics, prognosis and therapy. Definitive present usefulness is given for the specific cancer types and their purpose of use. Tumour markers that are still being evaluated but of possible future clinical importance are discussed. The index will make it easy to find a particular tumour marker and compare studies on different cancer types. The book is meant to inspire clinical and laboratory management as well as planning research and evaluation of results. Thus, oncologists, pathologists and other physicians who are involved in patients with cancer will find it useful.