Anne Aly, Liz Byrski, Sarah Drummond, Mehreen Faruqi, Goldie Goldbloom, Krissy Kneen, Jeanine Leane, Brigid Lowry and Pat Mamanyjun Torres are among fifteen voices recounting what it is like to be a woman on the other side of 40. These are stories of identity and survival, and a celebration of getting older and wiser, and becoming more certain of who you are and where you want to be.
Jodie Moffat commenced her law degree the year she turned 40 and graduated as a Juris Doctor at the age of 44. Her paper Arranging Deckchairs on the Titanic won the Morella Calder Memorial Prize in 2010, and was published in the Australian and New Zealand Maritime Law Journal that year. Jodie spent five years as a commercial litigator in the Perth CBD before taking up practice as a generalist solicitor with a community legal service in 2017. She ran as the Greens Party lower house candidate in her hometown of Mandurah in the 2017 state election.
Maria Scoda is an experienced clinical and consultant psychologist who works in private practice in the Sydney CBD. She earned her doctorate in clinical psychology from the Australian National University in 2002. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts, with honours in psychology. In addition to her clinical work, Maria assists business executives to understand and manage complex relationship dynamics for better interpersonal relationships in the workplace and at home.
Susan Laura Sullivan writes fiction, essays and poetry. Her work has been published in Westerly: New Creative, Plumwood Journal, and The Font: A Literary Journal for Language Teachers, among others. She was shortlisted for the T.A.G. Hungerford Award in 2012, and currently lives in Japan, where she teaches English.