Ibex Publishers (US)
A Dictionary of Persian-English Idioms (PERSIAN)
Ibex Publishers (US)£61.99| /A Dictionary of Persian-English Idioms is the most comprehensive English language dictionary of Persian idioms. It contains more than 8,000 idioms ...
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A Flame in the Ashes
Ibex Publishers (US)£30.99| /Rabia Balkhi was a tenth century Persian language poetess and a contemporary of Rudaki. She is known through the works of other writers, most notab...
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A Lexicon of the Persian Language of Shiraz
Ibex Publishers (US)£117.99| /Those teaching and learning Modern Persian outside the language s native homeland (Afghanistan, Iran, and Tajikistan), with its myriad dialects and...
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Afsaneh, A Novel from Iran
Ibex Publishers (US)£24.99| /The truth always loses itself among memories. The truth can be lost as though it never existed. Not on the ground or anywhere else. The difference ...
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Alam Diaries, Volume 5
Ibex Publishers (US)£61.99| /The Diaries of Assadollah Alam are probably the most important document about the inner workings of the Mohammad Reza Pahlavi period. This is the c...
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Ibex Publishers (US)£28.99| /"Alethophobia" revolves around the life of the Iranian-born Professor Pirooz who lives mostly in his own imagination; he is everywhere and yet he i...
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An Eyeful of Earth, An Eyeful of Ocean
Ibex Publishers (US)£20.99| /Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak has selected and ably translated the poems of Mandana Zandian's poems. The translation includes poems which have never been pub...
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An Introduction to Persian
Ibex Publishers (US)£25.99| /An Introduction to Persian is intended to serve as an introduction on the elementary level to the modern Persian language. Each lesson is provided ...
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Atheism in the Medieval Islamic & European World
Ibex Publishers (US)£100.00| /Did God exist a thousand years ago? This book discusses and analyses the origins of questioning God and Religion in Medieval Middle Eastern and Eur...
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Avicenna & I
Ibex Publishers (US)£28.99| /"Avicenna and I" is a love saga spanning here and the hereafter; it is a journey of spirits toward immortality. Together two lovers explore the cit...
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Azari, Ya Zaban Bastan Azarbaygan
Ibex Publishers (US)£22.99| /A study on Azari, the language of Azerbaijan, with additional articles by three Iranian scholars.
British Justice and Turkish Leaders
Ibex Publishers (US)£40.99| /Walter Bandazian traces developments which led to the arrest, detention, and finally, the release of Young Turks and their allies accused of commit...
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Candle Burns
Ibex Publishers (US)£28.99| /This is a bilingual (Persian and English) collection of the poems of Azar Vakil Gilani. Sheri Ramyar Massey has translated the poems into English.
Ibex Publishers (US)£24.99| /"The Cannon" is the first and best of Gholam-Hossein Sa'edi's novels. It has an unwavering focus on a single character, the independent itinerant M...
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Complete Ghazals of Hafez (Divan-e Hafez)
Ibex Publishers (US)£45.99| /This is the standard edition of the ghazals (sonnets) of Hafez edited by Mohammad Ghazvini and Ghassem Ghani and contains all 495 poems. It has bee...
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Concise Encyclopedia of the Middle East
Ibex Publishers (US)£61.99| /Concise Encyclopedia of the Middle East.
Dictionary of Common Persian & English Verbs
Ibex Publishers (US)£81.99| /Contains over 10,000 verbs; Gives Persian and English equivalents; Will be of invaluable assistance to students of Persian at all levels. It is sui...
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Ibex Publishers (US)£178.99| /The DIVAN-I HAFIZ is a complete verbatim translation of all of Hafez's ghazals, rubaiyats, qita'at, masnavi, the saqinameh, the moghaninameh, qasai...
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Dynamics of International Relations
Ibex Publishers (US)£81.99| /International relations is a broad and ever-expanding field, covering all sorts of social practices that cross borders. This discussion will provid...
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English-Persian Dictionary
Ibex Publishers (US)£112.99| /Includes approximately 22,000 entries. The Persian (Farsi) equivalents are also written in English letters for those unable to read Persian script....
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Eye of an Ant
Ibex Publishers (US)£18.99| /The Eye of an Ant is a collection of 282 short epithets translated into English rhyme by Fatollah Akbar. Most of the sayings are traditional popula...
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Far From Home
Ibex Publishers (US)£26.99| /Text in Persian. Story by well known novelist about Iranian immigrant women in Canada.
Farewell Iran
Ibex Publishers (US)£51.99| /This is not only a history of Iran but also a whole section of our contemporary history. It begins in 1935 when the author was a fifteen-year-old s...
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Flight into Darkness
Ibex Publishers (US)£35.99| /Shokat's extensive biography of Bakhtiar is a significant contribution to the political history of Iran after WWII. Bakhtiar's long presence on Ira...
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From Durham to Tehran
Ibex Publishers (US)£61.99| /From Durham to Tehran presents a Persian literature specialist's impressions and reflections on his field of study and profession, based on two res...
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From Durham to Tehran
Ibex Publishers (US)£45.99| /From Durham to Tehran presents a Persian literature specialist's impressions and reflections on his field of study and profession, based on two res...
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Goals & Policies of the Central Bank of Iran
Ibex Publishers (US)£40.99| /Text in Persian. Hassanali Mehran, who headed the Central Bank of Iran for more than two years, describes the goals and the policies of the bank fr...
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Gulistan (Rose Garden) of Sa'di
Ibex Publishers (US)£100.00| /Text in English & Persian. Is the Gulistan the most influential book in the Iranian world? In terms of prose, it is the model, which all writer...
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Hafez Poems of Gertrude Bell
Ibex Publishers (US)£22.99| /"Miss Bells [translations] are true poetry of a very high order and, with perhaps the single exception of FitzGerald's paraphrase of the Quatrains ...
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History of Islamic Origins of Western Education AD800-1350
Ibex Publishers (US)£61.99| /Nakosteen has drawn from German, Persian, Arabic, English, and French sources as well as his own understanding of the Eastern and Western cultures ...
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History of Literary Criticism in Iran, 1866-1951
Ibex Publishers (US)£100.00| /This book contains a comprehensive research on the works of leading figures in the field of literary criticism in modern Iranian thought of the nin...
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How to Speak, Read & Write Persian (Farsi)
Ibex Publishers (US)£81.99| /How to speak, Read and Write Persian (FARSI) is a practical, quick and convenient method to learning the language of ninety million people. Whether...
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In Wineseller's Street
Ibex Publishers (US)£18.99| /In Wineseller's Street is about hope. About a world seen through eyes that don't idolise individualism and separation. It reflects the human potent...
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Ibex Publishers (US)£30.99| /High-school teacher Farzin Rouhani steps out of his house on the last day of spring of 1981.Walking under Tehran's sizzling midday sun, his stroll ...
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Introduction to Koranic & Classical Arabic
Ibex Publishers (US)£30.99| /An Introduction to Koranic and Classical Arabic is an elementary-level grammar of standard classical Arabic, the literary norm of the Arabic langua...
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Introduction to Koranic & Classical Arabic
Ibex Publishers (US)£71.99| /An Introduction to Koranic and Classical Arabic is an elementary-level grammar of standard classical Arabic, the literary norm of the Arabic langua...
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Introduction to Persian
Ibex Publishers (US)£71.99| /This book is intended to serve as an introduction on the elementary level to the modern Persian language. Each lesson is provided with specific exe...
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Introduction to Syriac
Ibex Publishers (US)£30.99| /Syriac is the Aramaic dialect of Edessa in Mesopotamia. Today it is the classical tongue of the Nestorians and Chaldeans of Iran and Iraq and the l...
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Introduction to Syriac
Ibex Publishers (US)£61.99| /Syriac is the Aramaic dialect of Edessa in Mesopotamia. Today it is the classical tongue of the Nestorians and Chaldeans of Iran and Iraq and the l...
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Iranian in Nineteenth Century Europe
Ibex Publishers (US)£61.99| /After finishing his religious education and returning to his hometown of Muhâjirân Haj Sayyah realises that his family has plans for him to marry h...
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Law & Politics of the Caspian Sea in the 21st Century
Ibex Publishers (US)£61.99| /The Caspian Sea has been the focus of states and peoples in and out of the area for the last decade. The surrounding states are interested in getti...
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Literary History of Persia
Ibex Publishers (US)£81.99| /The classic work on the subject, A Literary History of Persia is still the standard work in the English language on Persia and her literature. It s...
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Literary History of Persia
Ibex Publishers (US)£81.99| /The classic work on the subject, A Literary History of Persia is still the standard work in the English language on Persia and her literature. It s...
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