The story of the dedicated family man who left his successful career as an aeronautical engineer to search for proof of the existence of the Loch Ness Monster. The chance reading of a magazine article led family man and aeronautical engineer Tim Dinsdale on a lifelong quest to prove the existence of an elusive creature said to live in the murky waters of Loch Ness in Scotland. He planned his first visit to the loch in spring 1960 and struck monster gold when he unexpectedly caught on film a large, animate creature swimming in the loch. From that moment, his life and that of his family was changed forever. The BBC broadcast his film and he quickly became known around the world. He ultimately gave up his promising career so he could devote his time and energy to pursuing the creature. He took up a career as an author, publishing several books, and was in demand as a lecturer; he toured the US on two occasions, appearing on several well-known television programs. Over twenty-seven years he made fifty-seven expeditions to the loch, during which time he met a cast of colourful and interesting people, among them many serious scientists. His work with them yielded some very interesting results, culminating in the formation of a scientific symposium at the House of Commons in London, its purpose to gain acceptance of Nessie as a living entity and therefore be given a level of protection. Ultimately, this effort failed, much to Tim's disappointment. Tim's dedication to unravelling the Loch Ness riddle is captivating, his reasoning for finding the truth for truth's sake compelling. His life ended before he was able to solve the mystery that held him in its thrall, but his film continues to intrigue monster seekers and researchers around the world.
Angus Dinsdale has monster hunting in his blood. Born the very day his father presented his famous film to the British nation on the BBC programme Panorama, Angus grew up in a household where searching for the Loch Ness monsters was his father's full-time - and perfectly acceptable - occupation. Subsequently Angus's childhood was full of adventures as he took part in many monster-hunting expeditions to Scotland. He developed a love for the outdoors , sports and travel, interests which have taken him all over the world, turning his two key passions of skiing and rowing into adventures all of their own. He now lives in Vancouver Canada where he has found the inspiration to write, surrounded as he is by majestic mountains, elemental wilderness, and stunning lakes - which might even have a Nessie of their own.