Jim Nollman is an internationally known musician and ecologist who doesn't hesitate to get up-close and personal with a pod of gray whales, a herd of buffaloes, and a school of dolphins in his quest to communicate directly with these creatures. His writing conveys his joy and sense of brotherhood in these encounters. 'The Man Who Talks to Whales' opens us up to the idea that animals can educate us and contribute to the growth and development of our own species.
Jim Nollman is a naturalist and the author of five books, including The Man Who Talks to Whales: The Art of Interspecies Communication. His essays are anthologized in several collections of nature writing and he is contributing editor of the largest whale site on the Internet. He is the founder of Interspecies, which sponsors research on communicating with animals through music and art, and promotes a model for communion between species. In addition to his work as a naturalist and a gardener, he has been a composer of music for theater, an internationally distinguished conceptual artist, and an environmental activist.