Winner of the Living Now Gold medal and the COVR Visionary Gold Award for iconic products, this brilliantly rendered and brightly colored 52 card deck set with a 124 page guidebook, created by 53-time award-winning author and shaman—Tracee Dunblazier, and acclaimed intuitive artist– Justine Serebrin-Almaraz, is an inspiring solution for rising above the divergent forces all around us. Take your transformation further with the Rainbow Warrior Activation Deck. Whether you’re using it for meditation—reading for pleasure or profession, it’s exactly the tool you need. This is the deck that grows with you. Experience the art and expand your personal spiritual readings, or those for your clients!
Tracee Dunblazier, GC-C, is an empath and shaman who spent several decades processing multiple spiritual traumas, using grief to transform them, and eventually helping others do the same. A 20-time award-winning author on spiritual topics, she serves as president of the Coalition of Visionary Resources.