The new millennium opened a new epoch of physical paradigms in science. The old ones came to contradict the new experimental data and proved of little value. The physics of the general theory of relativity and that of Niels Bohr, as well as physical and cosmological myths based on those theories have collapsed despite the powerful support of the pillars of official science. This book presents a new mathematical-physical paradigm, being at the same time a continuation of research in space structures of the Universe, the structures whose foundations were laid down in my earlier books: Spaces, and The Introduction to Philosophy of Mathematical Spaces. This version presents a complete geometrisation of physical quantities which the great researchers of natural science have long sought. Jointly with the new geometry according to the laws of which matter is formed, and which is expounded in the books Spaces and The Introduction to Philosophy of Mathematical Spaces, this book presents a new model of formation of matter from qualitative-quantitative numbers and their interaction. These interactions are based on very simple old laws discovered by Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Augustin de Coulomb and others. There's no need for complex mathematical equations in which modern physics is so abundant because these equations are purely phenomenological and reflect no actual physical realities. God neither plays dice, nor creates the Universe according to those mathematical equations which run to pages on end in various monographs and textbooks on physics. The main idea of this book is to show that geometrisation of physical quantities is possible. The geometry itself along the laws of which matter is formed needs further improvement as well as standardisation of new notions in the sphere of qualitative, quantitative and qualitative-quantitative numbers and mathematical operations with them. The obtained quantitative values of energies show clearly that the manifest Universe is fully compensated, and stationary, and that all qualitatively different physical interactions are fully co-ordinated with each other. This book presents no absolute truth, being founded, like all books on science, on idealisation of mathematical and geometrical notions. But even this idealisation shows that practically all physical parameters of macro and micro worlds are inter-related, geometrically inter-related too.