Many of the animals you have seen in movies have been supplied by Gary Oliver. The animals come from Cinemazoo, Gary's home for exotic pets of all kinds, from 10" millipedes to snapping turtles and alligators. On set, Gary is their wrangler: he makes them do what they are supposed to do. But, he is also their protector. Virtually all of his animals have been rescued, and he has taken on a mission to help others, especially young people, learn about responsible ownership and species preservation. Gary has gone through many doors in pursuit of his dream. It's been a long journey to get here, and it's not over yet. This book follows his adventures (and misadventures) on the road to Cinemazoo.
Gary Oliver's relationship with animals began when he was seven. His passion expanded and working with animals became his lifelong goal. Fashion photography and Maynard -- a star feline performer -- led him to open Cinemazoo, Canada's first animal agency. Cinemazoo soon became a refuge and home to countless abandoned exotic animals. In 2007 he founded the Urban Safari Rescue Society as a non-profit organisation. Thousands of schools, public institutions, corporations and non-profit organisations have benefitted from his educational talks and hands-on demonstrations. His mission is to educate the public about the conservation and sustainability of wildlife.
Wendy Bancroft is an award-winning writer and documentary film producer. Her stories as a CBC current affairs journalist reflect an interest in the human condition and how people face the challenges in their lives. Recently, she has returned to making films with her own company, It's About Us Productions. Her latest production is the web series, Saving Cinemazoo.