"Meant neither as normative description nor as a manual for the future, the book suggest alternative ways of looking at culture, as well as alternative aspects of culture to look at, thereby opening up a necessary and, som might argue, long overdue debate. ... this reviewer hopes very much that its contributors will join the panels and workshops at the 2008 conference of the Societé Internationale d´Ethnologie et de Folklore in their endeavour of 'liberating the ethnological imagination'." - Ullrich Kockel, Ethnologia Scandinavica, vol. 37, 2007
"Off the Edge: Experiments in Cultural Analysis, edited by Orvar Löfgren and Richard Wilk, is a delightfully quirky and wonderfully provocative collection of twenty-five short essays dedicated to new ideas about cultural analysis. ... The importance of Off the Edge ... does not lie in its theoretical and methological claims. Rather, it is the playful and inviting nature of the project that promises to open up discussion, to push us in new (or perhaps old) directions, and to get us thinking in novel ways. ... As with all edited volumes, some essays in Off the Edge are stronger than others. However, as you read through the collection as a whole, the pleasure of thinking along with the authors as they undertake the challenging excercise of (re)inventing a cultural proces or a new style of cultural analysis far outweighs any of the individual weaknesses or flaws. In addition, Off the Edge is full of ironic, witty, incongruous photographs that enrich both the aesthetic as well as the intellectual quality of the book. ... In gratitude, we should continue the spirit of their project among ourselves, with our colleagues in other disciplines, and with our students." - Kimberley J. Lau, Journal of American Folklore 122 (2009)